Treating Uveitis
Dilating your pupils helps relieve pain.
Your eye doctor will prescribe medication to relieve your pain and other symptoms. He or she may also treat the condition that's causing your uveitis, if known, or refer you to another medical specialist.
Sunglasses help make your eyes less sensitive to light.
Relieving the Symptoms
Your eye doctor dilates, or enlarges, your pupil with eyedrops to relax your iris and relieve your pain. Dilating your pupils increases your sensitivity to light, so you may need to wear sunglasses for a few days. Your eye doctor may give you eyedrops, ointments, or oral medications to reduce swelling. Be sure you understand how to use these medications. Ask about any possible side effects. In some cases, your eye doctor may also give you medication by injection. The pain and sensitivity to light usually go away within a few days.
Eyedrops help reduce inflammation.
Treating the Underlying Cause
Often the cause of uveitis isn't known, and your eye doctor can only treat the symptoms. If the cause is known, treatment will depend on the underlying condition. Your eye doctor may refer you to your primary care doctor or another specialist for evaluation and treatment.